The Master’s Vessel Ministries is an inter-denominational church that seeks to exalt Jesus, edify believers, and share the gospel of Christ that brings salvation to as many as have not known Him. Our desire is that people from every tribe, tongue, and nation will hear the all-encompassing good news that is able to transform lives and set captives free.

We believe so much in the power of God’s Word, and that is why we give so much attention to discipleship. In a world of changing cultures and values, it is imperative that the truth and inerrancy of scripture be emphasized, for only such truth is able to make men free.

As we await the imminent return of Jesus Christ, we want to be found being at the Master’s task, occupying in the area that He has placed us. The work is great, but our God is greater. Join us to proclaim this redeeming truth all over the world, and thereby fulfill our own part in the Great Commission.